Iraq Ambush Angers Family in Ohio

August 05 06:17 2005 Print This Article

Criticism on Bush increases

OHIO, August 5 – Ohio inhabitants took time to express their feelings yesterday after the terrible ambush of a battalion in Iraq. Sixteen members of the Third Battalion, 25th Marines, were killed when a roadside bomb exploded while they drove nearby. This form of terror has become exceedingly popular in Iraq and has actually increased extremely high since the beginning of this year.

This new tragedy is seeming to become a new benchmark of public grief as dozens Ohioans expressed their feelings at the headquarters of the Third Battalion. Many have expressed hope that these new losses will encourage a discussion on the war in Iraq. This war is developing more and more as an endless battle between the local terrorists and the armed forces, resembling strongly with the horrible war in Vietnam. Many believe the constant battle between innovation of terrorist attacks, like the roadside bombs, and the response of armed forces is a battle that cannot be won.

The roadside bombs are small explosives covered up along the side of the roads where many army vehicles drive. They are often detonated remotely and becoming much more sophisticated every time.

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