Modern political organization in the inter-riverine area has it origins in a Philanthropic movement that appeared in the in the 1920s under the name of al-jam’iyyah al- khayriyah al-wataniyah (the
Despite advances in modern communication and the proliferation of Information, there remain areas of the world about which little is known. One such place is Somalia. The informed public is
In the dealing with Somali resistance to colonialism, much scholarly attention has been given to the northern Somalia, particularly the rebellion led by Ina ‘Abdulle Hassan, known as ‘dervish movement;
Colonial Experience The Anglo- Italian agreements of 1891 gave Italy the triangle of land known as the Horn of Africa as her ‘sphere of influence afterwards, Italy proceeded to construct
One of the most important commercial and political centers in the hinterlands of Somalia is Lugh, located about 260 m Northwest of Mogadishu, and 104 m from Baidoa. The name
Early History Digil and Rahawiin are descendants of the earliest wave of Somaloid peoples and also the most southern. Firm evidence for the history of the Somali people dates back
The early days of humanitarian intervention as protection from extreme forms of human rights violations was trumpeted as on the objectives by some of its architects and supporters. But after
The overthrow of Siad Barre’was the prelude to total disintegration. The opposition groups were all clan-based organizations each fighting for a particular clan interest. This is made very clear from
A review conducted by researchers by the University of California, San Diego, has found a strong connection between exposure to specific chemicals and the Gulf War illness experienced by veterans.
It has been found in American medical research studies that the most prescribed drug in the country, antidepressants, aren’t that entirely effective. According to researchers, they work as well as